At Fabiolas we have acquired a continuous commitment to minimize our carbon footprint. We renew our pact with the environment to continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions both in the production and distribution of our espadrilles, which is specified with the "Registration of carbon footprint, compensation and CO 2 absorption projects of the Ministry for Ecological Transition”
This record includes the efforts of Spanish organizations in the calculation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activity. In turn, it facilitates the possibility of offsetting all or part of their carbon footprint, through a series of forestry projects located in national territory. These projects integrate numerous environmental and social benefits, among which is the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, also known as carbon sequestration.
All registered footprints are compulsorily accompanied by a reduction plan, and are checked prior to registration. When it is recognized that an organization has reduced its footprint, it is because it meets a strict criteria that demonstrates a decreasing trend in emissions.
In our case we have achieved 0.12% reduction in the average emission intensity in the 2016-2018 triennium compared to the 2015-2017 triennium, and this is how we prove it:
As part of our commitment to minimize our carbon footprint, we created Fabiolas No-Trace : an exhaustive project developed between Calzados Zel's and the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja (CTCR) recognized and awarded as the best ecodesign project by the IED Madrid in its first edition 2016.
Environmental experts estimate that it is necessary to maintain 6 trees for a year to offset CO 2 emissions generated during the manufacture of a pair of shoes. In the case of Fabiolas no-trace jute shoes, it is only necessary to maintain one tree.
If you want to know our project in depth, here is our project: DOSSIER NO TRACE .