La vida está llena de pequeños momentos que recordaremos siempre y Fabiolas Alpargatas quiere estar presente en ellos, acompañándote silenciosamente, sin dejar huella. Vivir el momento, disfrutarlo y darse cuenta que tus Fabiolas están contigo, a tus pies.

En Fabiolas Alpargatas, no queremos crear tendencias, ni dejar huella, porque el estilo y la huella la dejas tú. Fabiolas se adapta a tu forma de ser, a tu personalidad, reforzándola, de la misma manera que se adapta a tu pies, siendo parte de ti.

Una forma de ser, un estilo propio, auténtico, que es capaz de dejar huella en los demás, no en el medioambiente.


AUTHENTICITY: sincere and honest with the work, the product and the tradition.

Permanently searching for QUALITY in the processes, products and their relationship.

RESPECT: to the surroundings, our land, the environment, clients and colleagues.

COMMITTMENT to the region (employment and creation of wealth), with the clients, with the continuous learning and with the planet.


FABIOLAS is a company whose main values are respect for the environment and its surroundings and we have the challenges of achieving in the future to be more sustainable in its processes and products. For this reason, we have not committed to reducing our carbon footprint:

The carbon footprint is the set of greenhouse gases emitted by direct or indirect effect throughout our company when manufacturing handmade espadrilles.

FABIOLAS ALPARGATAS is registered in the list of companies that calculate their carbon footprint, that is, their environmental impact, to reduce and offset that footprint.

The stamps issued by the Ministry of Ecological Transition demonstrate our participation in the registry, and reflect the effort undertaken by the company against climate change, so that any action we take is always valued under environmental and sustainability parameters.